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Enjoy your favorite chakra center on a handmade bracelet! We use comfortable stretchy elastic that attaches to our lovely mini pendants. The standard length of these bracelets come out to 6 3/4'' in length and can easily stretch to fit the size of your wrist.


  • Personal Power Bracelet - Yellow resonates with the solar plexus chakra, the sun of the universe where all information is digested, processed and integrated. It is best related to the gut feeling, commonly experienced when perceiving situations or making decisions. This center opened provides a strengthening of one’s own inner guidance filtering out all outside influences. A clear pathway of staying in your own power is mastered. Yellow also assists in overcoming fears, old patterns and obstacles that are stagnate and stuck. It is in this space where one realizes that they are a leader of self.


  • Gratitude Bracelet -  Green resonates with the masculine heart chakra, the balanced and harmonic center of circulation where giving and receiving unify as a single function. The green heart chakra acts as a balance point of all chakras and allows expansion, freedom and growth. It is the energy center that integrates physical reality and a spiritual connection as one whole and complete essence. It is in this vortex that resentment is transmuted and forgiveness translates into thanksgiving. Blessings are plentiful and gratitude in all circumstances is a way of life.


  • Communication Bracelet - Blue resonates with the throat chakra, the communication center of the universe where speaking your truth is vital. The authentic self beautifully shows up and is revealed when one actively speaks the truth from the heart. Now is the time to allow one’s true voice to be heard and expressed through an open channel of direct transmission as source. Public speaking becomes natural and sharing a message is inspiring as well as transformational. Blue energy brings about increased feelings of calmness, peace and sincerity.


  • Purification Bracelet - Aqua resonates with the higher heart chakra and is located below the throat and above the heart. This center involves the higher functioning of the heart and acts as the bridge from the heart to throat for optimal expression. It also helps quiet the mind to become receptive to transmissions from higher realms. Purification begins occurring when the heart is allowed to express itself and be heard. Breathing also becomes easier and deeper as this center opens. Aqua embodies a timeless fluid movement much like water with life nurturing properties.

QBC Bracelets

Chakra Color
  • b

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